Календар за 14. март - Преподобномученица Евдокија
Calendar for March 14 - Reverend Martyr Eudokia
A rich prostitute, then a great penitent, hermit and finally a martyr, lived in the Phoenician city of Iliopolis during the time of Emperor Trajan. The old monk Germanus, having come to the city on business, stayed in a house that adjoined Evdokia's. When at night he began to read the Psalter and some book about the Last Judgment, Eudokia heard him and was terribly afraid. She sent servants for him in the morning. He came and started a long conversation with Eudokia about faith and salvation. Immediately afterwards, she asked the local bishop to baptize her. Then he left all his possessions to the Church, dismissed the servants and slaves, and went to the monastery. She lived in the monastery for 56 years. God gave her the grace to resurrect the dead. During the persecution of Christians, she was cut with a sword.
Venerable Agapius. Holy Martyr Antonina.
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