Calendar for May 14 - Holy Prophet Jeremiah
He was born 600 years before Christ. Began to prophesy at the age of 15. He prophesied to King Joachim that his funeral would be beaten like a donkey, and to King Jehonia that he and his family would be taken to Babylon where he would die. He went through the city with a yoke on his neck prophesying the Babylonian captivity. He wrote to the Jews in Babylon that they should not hope to return, because they would remain there for 70 years. In the valley of Totef, where the Jews sacrificed children to idols, he broke a healthy pot, prophesying the imminent fall of the Judean empire. With the Levites, he removed the ark from Solomon's temple to Mount Navat, and the fire to a well. He prophesied to the Egyptians the destruction of the idols and the arrival of the Virgin and the Child in Egypt. There the Jews stoned him to death. His relics were transferred to Alexandria.
Venerable Martyr Akakija Papučar. Venerable Pafnutius Borovski.
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