Calendar for April 13 - Martyr Hypatia, Bishop of Gangra
Born in Cilicia; was a bishop in the city of Gangri. He was at the First Ecumenical Council. Famous everywhere for his pious life and miracle-working. Emperor Constantius ordered the construction of a statue of Hypatius during the life of this saint, and the emperor kept this statue in his court as a weapon against any opposing force. Once returning from Constantinople, Hypatius was attacked in a strait by the heretic, Novatian, and pushed off the road into some mud. In that one woman from that group hit him on the head with a stone, and thus the saint ended his earthly life. But that woman suddenly went crazy, and took the same stone and hit herself with it. When they brought her to the grave of Saint Hypatius and prayed to God for her, she was healed by the great mercy of the spirit of Hypatius, and lived the rest of her life in repentance and prayer. Saint Ipatija suffered and moved to the eternal kingdom of Christ God in 326.
Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow. Holy priest-martyr Avda. Saint Venerable Apollonius. Saint Acakius the Confessor, Bishop of Melitinsky. Easter fast.

Calendar for March 6 Saint Eustathius
He was the Archbishop of Antioch. As a great restorer and protector of the...

Patriarch Porfirije: May there never be hatred among us, may there never be violence in...
– May God grant that there never be hatred among us, may there never be...

Calendar for March 5 Saint Leo of Catania
He was a bishop in Catania, under the volcanic mountain Etna. A great zealot...