Calendar for April 27 - Saint Martin the Confessor - Lazarus Saturday - (Vrbica)
Became Pope of Rome in 649, at the time of the Monothelite heresy. With the aim of establishing peace in the Church, Emperor Constans II wrote the heretical booklet "Tipos". Pope Martin convened a council of 105 bishops, where he condemned the emperor's booklet. The emperor sent duke Olympus to bring him the pope. Olympus sent a soldier to cut him down in the church, but when he entered the church, he was blinded and the duke was killed by the Saracens. The emperor, persuaded by the heretic patriarch Paul, sent another duke, Theodore, who brought the bound Pope Martin to Constantinople. There, the pope lay in prison for a long time, until he was exiled to Kherson where, in 655, he rested in the Lord. Two years before him, Patriarch Paul died, who wept bitterly in front of the emperor because of his sin against Pope Martin.
Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius. Holy Martyr Ardalion Actor.

Calendar for March 6 Saint Eustathius
He was the Archbishop of Antioch. As a great restorer and protector of the...

Patriarch Porfirije: May there never be hatred among us, may there never be violence in...
– May God grant that there never be hatred among us, may there never be...

Calendar for March 5 Saint Leo of Catania
He was a bishop in Catania, under the volcanic mountain Etna. A great zealot...