Calendar for April 28 - Entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - Flowers
On that day, Jesus Christ, followed by his disciples and a multitude of people, left the village of Bithynia for Jerusalem. Arriving at the village of Bethphage, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, he said to the two disciples: "Go to the village that is in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied and the donkeys with her; untie her and bring her, And if anyone tells you anything, say: they are needed by the Lord! - and will give them right away". The disciples did as Christ commanded them, and when they brought the donkey, He mounted it and they set off for Jerusalem. The word that the Savior was coming, the one who resurrected Lazarus, quickly spread and multitudes of people joined Him. Some met him with palm branches in their hands, others threw their clothes on the road where they were going to pass, others cut branches from a tree and threw them on the road.
When Jesus Christ ascended the Mount of Olives, those who followed him shouted: "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who goes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel!" But Jesus was sad all the way, and when he was going down the mountain, he looked at Jerusalem in the valley, wept and said: "Oh, Jerusalem! If you knew, especially on this day, what is for your happiness; but now it is hidden from your eyes. Because the days will come when your enemies will surround you from all sides, and they will destroy you and your children and will not leave a stone upon a stone in you because you did not know the time in which you were visited".
All this happened before the Passover holiday, so people from many places gathered in Jerusalem. Seeing Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, many asked themselves: "Who is that?", and from the crowd answered: "Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee." Then Christ entered the temple, where they were lame and crippled, had mercy on them and healed them all.
There was great enthusiasm among the people and the children, and they shouted to him: "Hosanna, Son of David, King of Israel!" Hearing this, some Pharisees came to him and said to him: "Do you hear what these are saying?", to which he answered them: "Have you never read: from the mouth of little children and infants, you have made yourself proud". All day Jesus Christ gave sermons in the temple, and in the evening he returned to Bithynia with his disciples.
Holy apostles Aristarchus, Pudus and Trophimus. Saint Martyr Sava Gotski. Holy Martyrs Vasilisa and Anastasia. Easter fast.

Calendar for March 6 Saint Eustathius
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Patriarch Porfirije: May there never be hatred among us, may there never be violence in...
– May God grant that there never be hatred among us, may there never be...

Calendar for March 5 Saint Leo of Catania
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