Calendar for April 29 - Holy Martyrs Agapia, Chionia and Irina
St. torture Agapia, Chionia and Irina. Sisters born in the vicinity of Aquileia. When Emperor Diocletian was courting in Aquileia, he ordered the famous priest Chrysogonus to be executed. At that time, an old presbyter, Zoilus, had a vision that revealed to him where Chrysogonus's unburied body was. The old man hurried, found the martyr's body, placed it in a chest and kept it in his home. On the thirtieth day after that, St. Chrysogonus and told him that in the course of nine days the three girls would suffer martyrdom, and that he would also be resurrected during that time. Anastasija the Redeemer, who had followed her teacher Chrysogonus, will also report the same in a vision. And indeed, after 9 days, the old man Zoil presented himself, and the three sisters were brought to court before the emperor. The king advised the holy girls to worship idols, but they canceled everything and confessed their firm faith in Christ. Irina said to the emperor, how foolish it is to bow down to things made of stone and wood, which were ordered, at a reasonable price, to be made by the hands of some mortal man. An enraged emperor threw them into a dungeon. And when the king went to Macedonia, they brought with him all the slaves and concubines, including these three saints. The emperor gave them to a certain duke Dulkiti for stretching. This duke, inflamed with dark passion, wanted to desecrate the virgins, but when he wanted to enter the dungeon with them, at the time when they were praying to God, he came to his senses, and attacked the black cauldrons and pots in front of the door to hug and kiss, and so all go hot and black. Hearing about this case, the emperor ordered that the second duke of Sisinius undertake the trial of these sisters. After a long struggle, the judge sentenced the first two sisters to burning, and kept Irina for some time, hoping that he would be able to defile her. But when he sent Irina for the soldiers to the brothel, God's angels saved this pure virgin, brought back the soldiers and took her to a hill. The next day, the duke went out with his soldiers towards that hill, but not being able to succeed, he ordered and shot Irina with arrows. St. Anastasia gathered all three bodies in one place and buried them honorably. All suffered honorably for Christ the King and Lord around 304.
Holy Martyr Leonid.
Condolences from Patriarch Bartholomew
Your Eminence, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral G. Joanikije, our...
Calendar for January 11 The Holy 14,000 Infants of Bethlehem
Since the wise men from the East did not tell him who the newborn King was,...
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