Calendar for July 11 - Transfer of the relics of Saints Cyrus
This day celebrates the transfer of their relics from Canopus to Manutin and the many miracles that occurred from them. The Patriarch of Alexandria, St. Cyril, earnestly prayed to God to destroy the unclean place of idolatry and the place of Manutinus, where there was an idolatrous temple. The Angel of God informed him that he should transfer the relics of Saints Cyrus and John to that place. The Patriarch immediately did so and built a church dedicated to the Saints of Besrebrenica in Manutin. The son of the mayor of Alexandria, Julian Ammonius, was healed from the relics of these martyrs, and a certain Todor from blindness, his wife survived severe poisoning, Isidore of Mayum was healed from rotting black liver, Eugenius from dropsy, as well as many others. All this happened in the year 412.
Venerable Senufius the Standard Bearer. Venerable Pavle Lekar. Holy Martyrs Dabrobosanski and Mileševski. St. Peter's Day fast.
Calendar for January 9 Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
The first of the seven deacons, a relative of the Apostle Paul. By the power of...
Patriarch Porfirije celebrates the Epiphany of the Republika Srpska in Banja Luka
On the occasion of the Epiphany of the Republika Srpska, His Holiness the...
Calendar for January 8 The Council of the Most Holy Theotokos
"On the second day of Christmas, the Christian Church gives glory and praise to...