Calendar for June 14 - Venerable Justin Čelijski
Father Justin (Popović) was born on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (March 25, according to the old calendar) in 1894, in Vranje, to pious Orthodox parents Spiridon and Anastasia. He got the secular name Blagoje after the holiday on which he was born. Father Spiridonov, the famous Pope Aleksa, was at least the seventh priest from the old Popović family. Spyridon also studied theology (two grades), however, his father withdrew him from school and he later served in the temple and in domestic priesthoods, maintaining the spirit of church and piety in the household where little Blagoje grew up. Mother Anastasia is from a respectable householder's family from the vicinity of Vranje. They gave birth to eight children, but only three survived: daughter Stojna and sons Stojadin and Blagoje
Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher. Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charita, Evelpist, Jerax, Paeon, Valerian and Just. Venerable Agapit Pecherski.

Calendar for March 6 Saint Eustathius
He was the Archbishop of Antioch. As a great restorer and protector of the...

Patriarch Porfirije: May there never be hatred among us, may there never be violence in...
– May God grant that there never be hatred among us, may there never be...

Calendar for March 5 Saint Leo of Catania
He was a bishop in Catania, under the volcanic mountain Etna. A great zealot...