Calendar for June 18 - Venerable Petar Koriški
A native of the village of Unjemir (Ujmir) near Peć. He was unusually meek and without anger. With his sister Jelena, he went away very early on a feat. And he worked hard with dedication and perseverance. He overcame many demonic temptations. Over time, when word got out, many monks gathered around him, whom he taught the ascetic life. Fleeing from human glory, he took refuge in Crna Reka for a while, where Saint Joanikije Devički also practiced asceticism. He rested in his old age in his cave in Korisha. That night when he rested, an angelic chant was heard from his cave and a light shone. He lived in the 13th century. Emperor Dušan built a church over his remains. The rest of his relics were recently transferred to the Crna Reka monastery.
Priest-martyr Dorotheus, Bishop of Tire. Venerable Theodore the Hermit. Venerable Anuvius. Blessed Igor, Prince of Chernihiv and Kiev. Blessed Constantine, Metropolitan of Kiev.
Calendar for January 10 Saint Simon the Myrrh-Bearer
Where he came from, who his parents were, where he began his asceticism –...
Baptism of the Republic of Srpska
His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije presided over the Holy...
Calendar for January 9 Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
The first of the seven deacons, a relative of the Apostle Paul. By the power of...