Calendar for May 4 - Great Saturday
On the Saturday after the crucifixion, the chief priests and Pharisees came to Pilate to ask him to set a guard in front of Christ's tomb. They did this because they were afraid that one of Christ's disciples would steal His Body, and thus the people would believe that Jesus had risen, as He had announced, "After three days I will rise" (Mt. 27, 63). Pilate said to them: You have a guard, go and establish as you know how. And they went and fortified the tomb with a guard and sealed the stone" (Mt. 27, 65-66). On Great Saturday, with his body in the grave and his soul in hell, Christ broke down the gates of hell. Death, which until then reigned over departed souls, fled from the Savior. Then the Lord brought the souls of the righteous from hell to the heavenly settlements.
Priest-martyr Vasilije, presbyter of Ankir. Reverend Martyr Euthymius. Saint Drosida. Easter fast.
Condolences from Patriarch Bartholomew
Your Eminence, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral G. Joanikije, our...
Calendar for January 11 The Holy 14,000 Infants of Bethlehem
Since the wise men from the East did not tell him who the newborn King was,...
Calendar for January 10 Saint Simon the Myrrh-Bearer
Where he came from, who his parents were, where he began his asceticism –...