Calendar for October 6 Conception of Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist
On this day, the mercy of God is celebrated towards the pious and righteous parents of St. John, old man Zacharias and old woman Elizabeth, who begged God for a child all their lives; then the miracle of God's conception of Saint John in the womb of the aged Elizabeth; and the wisdom of God in the home design of human salvation. God had particularly great intentions with John: to be a prophet and Forerunner of Christ the Lord, the Savior of the world. Just as, through his angels, God announced the birth of Isaac from the childless Sarah, Samson from the childless Manoah and his wife, so he also announced the birth of John the Forerunner from the childless Zechariah and Elizabeth. Everything is possible with God. He created the world out of nothing, and Adam and Eve without any parents.
Holy Martyr Iraida. Holy New Martyr Nicholas Pantopol. Holy New Martyr John.
Condolences from Patriarch Bartholomew
Your Eminence, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral G. Joanikije, our...
Calendar for January 11 The Holy 14,000 Infants of Bethlehem
Since the wise men from the East did not tell him who the newborn King was,...
Calendar for January 10 Saint Simon the Myrrh-Bearer
Where he came from, who his parents were, where he began his asceticism –...