Chair - Hieromonk Rafailo Boljević: "We have a name"
Dear listeners of Radio Svetigore, dear brothers and sisters, in the new edition of the show from the "Cathedral" series, we recommend to your love and attention that you listen to an interesting soul-beneficial lecture given by hieromonk Rafailo Boljević, abbot of the Podmaine monastery near Budva.
Father Raphael spoke on the topic "We have a name".
The lecture was held in the church of Saint Sava in Vračar on Sunday, May 25, 2024. The lecture was also attended by the Patriarch of Serbia, Mr. Porfirius, who addressed the audience at the end, and Father Raphael's lecture aroused the great interest of the faithful, so instead of in the Crypt, as planned, it was held in the nave of the Svetosava Temple.
We took over the lecture from our colleagues from Radio "Slovo Ljubve", to whom we thank them for taking over the lecture.
Aleksandar Vujovic,
editor of the Catechetical Program of Radio Svetigora
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