Cosmetic lamp: The fourth candle to the witness of the Kosovo vow, Father Momcilo Krivokapić
Father Momčilo Krivokapić: The Kosovo vow is the soul of the Serb's soul
"It was a long time ago when I was in Gazimestan for the first time. He is also fifty years old... I was a high school graduate. It was the most powerful experience in my life. And there were also Kosovo peonies...I picked them with my own hands" - he remembered on Vidovdan in the summer of the Lord in 2018 his first meeting with the place where the Serbian people decided for the Kingdom of Heaven, sharing his memories with the listeners of Radio "Svetigor", our blessed mentions Father Momčilo Krivokapić, whose death on April 29 marked the third anniversary.
"They say that the Serbs suffered a defeat at Gazimestan and that we as a nation celebrate defeats. If defeat is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, I am in favor of living in that defeat"- our dear father Momčilo thunderously testified of his commitment to the Kingdom of Heaven.
"Our hope is buried in Kosovo in one tomb - these are the words of Bishop Peter, another secret seer from Lovcen. It is the hope that will rise again. I believe in this just as I believe that the Holy Liturgy will be sung again in Hagia Sophia. I believe, even though it seems completely unrealistic now. The fact that we hope that Kosovo and Metohija will be ours again is completely illogical when viewed in human terms. Even about the glorious Resurrection of Christ, many did not have to believe that the myrrh-bearing women actually saw the Risen Lord. But Christ is truly Risen. This is how Kosovo and Metohija, which is the heart of the Serbian people and the heart of Montenegro and Serbia, will be resurrected. And that's why in Kosovo one either dies or goes to eternal life" - father Momo strongly testified to Lazar's determination.
Our father taught us that, even though we live in absurdities, the Kosovo Covenant should always be our guide so that we don't fall into absurdities ourselves.
"We are from Kosovo. Every power is temporary and God's is eternal. Other nations can come to Kosovo, but the shameful ones will leave. And we will be shameful if we betray Kosovo. Let there be three of us there - but there are our Holy Places. Saint King Stephen of Dečan and Saint Joanikije Devički protect us. There is Gračanica, and the church of the Virgin of Ljeviška... My God, what a beauty!!! Well, if there was nothing else, not only the Serbian people but the whole of Europe, if he were to show the people of Decani, Gračanica, and Ljeviška before the world, they would have to appear before Miloš as a judge, which is what our people say. Our identity is outlined and exists in Kosovo and Metohija. There is no us without Kosovo. Kosovo is our identity. The Kosovo Covenant is deeply engraved in the heart of each of us. He is the soul of a Serb's soul," Father Momčilo said.
What is the Kosovo Covenant, myth or reality? How much is the Kosovo Covenant our reality? About the Kosovo Covenant as the forerunner of the New Testament. About the Last Supper of our Lord and that of Lazarus. About the resurrection of our people in the field of Kosovo, i.e. the determination for the Kingdom of Heaven and the response of the Serbs to the words of Saint Lazarus: Who is a Serb and of the Serbian race... - we talked with Archpriest Stavrophor Momcilo Krivokapić, in June 2018, on the occasion of Vidovdan, the votive holiday of the Serbian Stork.
Milica Barać-Slavković, one of the Peonies, a native of Pristina, read a touching message to us for the "Cosmetic Lamp" show.
We also remember part of the magnificent atmosphere when, according to father Momo, whose fatherly love brought us all together in Kotor on August 18, 2018, "Kotor made a big mess in front of the Kosmet victims".
We dedicated this show to Father Momcilo Krivokapić, who testified to us with every word and paternal love of faith in the Kosovo Covenant and the glorious Resurrection of Christ.
Father Momo, we pray that you are now in the company of Serbian immortals, in the arms of Christ in the Kingdom of our heavenly Father, whom you faithfully served for more than fifty years. Eternal memory to you.
Happy Easter!
Slobodanka Grdinić
Radio Svetigora

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