Lecture by Metropolitan Ioanniki "Spiritual Significance of Litius in Montenegro"
In the organization of the Church Municipality of Topaljsko-Herzegovina, last night in the foyer of Dovrana "Park", the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, G. Joanikije held a lecture on the topic: "The Spiritual Significance of Litius in Montenegro". It was a special joy to listen to the words of experience from the point of view of the shepherd himself, who himself experienced Golgotha together with the flock entrusted to him. At the very beginning, the archbishop of Herzegnov, Father Obren Jovanović, greeted the attendees according to rank and order, after which he announced the broadcast of the short film "To Christ's Victory!" produced by the Cathedral of Christ's Resurrection in Podgorica and Radio Svetigora.
In his introductory letter, the Most Reverend Metropolitan clarified that the liturgical entrance is first and foremost a liturgical element and as such is the basic, sacred and inseparable act of every worship service. "When we talk about litias, we have to say first of all that they have been religious, church institutions since the earliest times. We can tie them to Christ's entry into Jerusalem. We can still tie them to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and to many other events in history."
During the celebration of certain holidays, the sacred litya comes out of the temple, prayerfully goes around the temple, or else it goes through cities and towns and again looks into the holy temple. The Metropolitan notes that it has its own deep meaning. "Although our faith is full of God's secrets, it is publicly witnessed and preached publicly. Our priestly ministry is a public ministry. We don't hide anything "except the holy secret of confession, so that people can open up more easily, although once upon a time in the ancient Church, confession was also public."
After interpreting the liturgical and liturgical meaning of the liturgies, the Metropolitan referred to the spiritual significance of the liturgies in Montenegro, reminding those gathered of the entire chronology of events that preceded the protest liturgies for the defense of the holy places.
At the end, archpriest archpriest Stavrophor Obren Jovanović of Herzegnov thanked the Metropolitan for this spiritual meal. First of all, because he pointed out to us the importance of the Liturgy, from which the holy liturgies are just springing up and re-entering the holy temple, hoping at the same time that every child of the liturgy will be rewarded at the holy Eucharistic table.
Source: CPCO Herceg Novi
Photo: Željko Drašković

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