Metropolitan Ioannikije and Bishop Methodius in Murin served the memorial service for the victims of NATO aggression
In Murin today, on the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing, which killed six people, including three children, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Mr. Joanikije and His Holiness the Bishop of Budimljansko-Nikšić, Mr. Methodius served a memorial service.
Previously, Bishop Methodije served the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Church of Saint Petka.
After the mention, Bishop Metodije said that the destruction of the demonic mission in 1999 left behind suffering and graves.
"Children's graves." The once great Europe of the Apostle Peter took upon himself the service of the unmemorial, canceling its own Christian roots from which it grew and flourished, so the great European culture ceased to be great by deciding to kill children. Can it fall lower and perish", said the Bishop of Budimljansko-Nikšić.
He asked what jobs, interests, knowledge and convictions lead them to such an act and in the name of what.
"Strategic interests of the self-sufficient and self-satisfied so-called civilized world outside whose borders live some irrelevant people, dead looted exhibits, those who have to be poor and nameless in order for them to be rich and polished." The proud world of Herod and all the followers of Herod's fall. They must know that behind those borders and beyond their borders is a living God, the same one whom their ancestors, whose spiritual successors are soulless, sought in Judea in order to prevent the loss of the throne and retain power. Just like those in 1999 and like today," he said.
Bishop Metodije said that they did not find Christ in the cradle, but that in a frenzied hatred they slaughtered 40 thousand Bethlehem children.
"They can never even find it because it's beyond their power - that's all the trouble." The God of the living is not their God," Bishop said.
He warned that, unfortunately, the slaughter of innocents has become the manner of the so-called civilized world.
"All the sacred principles of Western civilization have been violated: agreements, agreements, legal norms and principles with which Western Europe lured autochauvinists of the non-Western world for a hundred years. And new principles emerged, even more sacred. They are called: gross domestic product and profit. Every Judas seeks and finds a field of blood. Nothing but evil, to whom they surrendered, to whom they serve, is not the reason for hatred towards another," said Bishop Metodije.
Let us not forget anyone, he said, because God will not forget anything.
"And, as in the story of the rich man and the poor Lazarus, whose name means God is my help, no one will be able to convince anyone afterwards. Everything will be done. Cruel and outcast world, two girls were in the store - Julija Brudar and Olivera Maksimović. They tried to escape when the first bomb fell, but soon a second one was sent from a NATO plane that hit the bridge. "Two girls aged ten and eleven and a thirteen-year-old boy, Miroslav Knežević, were lying dead under a pile of bricks," he recalled.
Bishop Metodije said that inhumanity is always the cause of all human misery and suffering.
He said that the Blessed Metropolitan Amfilohije and the current Metropolitan Ioannikije were always with their people and healed their wounds in this place.
"And today, for the first time, the state of Montenegro came to the place where its children were killed." For twenty-five years, the state of Montenegro behaved like those who killed its children. Brothers and sisters, stealing money is not the greatest sin, but stealing memories. To destroy the memory of your murdered children - that is a terrible crime and an indicator of the terrible state and spirit of persistent self-denial in which this country has lived", said Bishop Metodije and said that all we have to do is to be human, because that is the only way we will help these children and these people. to be brothers.
"And that's the only way with these graves we will rise to meet Christ and in eternity embrace each other with inexhaustible and endless love." Let's be human, brothers and sisters, always and at any cost, as Patriarch Pavle said. Let's be like these little ones in the kingdom of God, let's be people and be God's, let's be a light to the world that is all in the darkness of non-existence", Bishop Metodije concluded.
An academy was then held in the local primary school.
The commemoration in Murin was attended by the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandić, Ministers in the Government of Montenegro Momo Koprivica and Dragoslav Šćekić, Ambassadors of the Republic of Serbia Nebojša Rodić and the Russian Federation Vladislav Maslenikov and other officials.
Radosav Rajo Vojinović
Photo: Željko Drašković
Metropolis of Montenegrin and Littoral

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