Metropolitan Ioannikije: God's holy patrons helped us during the liturgy, to avert the flood from the Church of God

The Church of the Holy Archangel Michael on Belavista Square in Herzegnov today prayerfully celebrated its summer glory - the feast of the Miracle of the Holy Archangel Michael in Hona. On this occasion, the Holy Bishop's Liturgy was served by His Eminence the Archbishop of Cetinje and the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Mr. Joanikije with the participation of numerous clergy and clergy in the prayerful presence of the faithful people.

The meeting was attended by the mayor of Herceg Novi, Mr. Stevan Katić, as well as representatives of the cultural and public life of Herceg Novi.

Before the beginning of the Holy Service of God, the Most Reverend Metropolitan appointed Mr. Ilija Preočanin, and later, after the grand entrance, ordained deacon Nenad Kovač to the rank of priest.

The Liturgy was followed by a litany around the temple, after which Metropolitan Ioannikije blessed the festive gifts.

Congratulating the glory of this holy temple, the Most Reverend Metropolitan said that today we remember the countless miracles that the Lord performed through the Holy Archangel Michael, and that one of the most significant miracles that he performed was the miracle in Hona, when he stopped the flood of water from carrying away the church and do not cover the source of miraculous water. Namely, during the heavy rains, heathens came to flood the temple and the miraculous source of healing water where many were baptized, because such malice is demonic, and it, as the Bishop said, very often finds and uses human malice. However, the Lord, at the prayers of the Holy God-pleasing people of that time and place, sent his Holy Archangel Michael, who opened a ruin near the temple where all the water that was coming went.

"Here, dear brothers and sisters, last night we talked about our litias, so that flood of water that the heathens came to God's temple to take it away, to disappear from the face of the earth, we also had here, but in a different form. And God's Holy Comforters helped us to avert that flood from the Church of God, from the temples of God and from one of God's people during the liturgy. We should thank God for giving us such unity and such grace and grace, such unanimity", addressed the Bishop and taught the congregation that this is a gift from God, and not a product of some of our cleverness. When we turn to the Lord, He gives us grace, mercy, wisdom, intelligence and unanimity so that we are only strong and invincible - with the Lord God and His Saints.

Furthermore, the Most Reverend Bishop said that the Holy Angels and Archangels and all the angelic ranks stand before the Throne of God and constantly sing praises to the Lord and are inspired by God's love, fed by God's grace, filled with God's light and truth, justice and God's life, and that they are an example to us. people as we should live and glorify God:

"It is difficult for us to achieve this, but through this holy service, says St. John Chrysostom, that the Lord God dignifies us to serve a service greater than that of an angel." But by the grace of God, because the Lord Jesus Christ, the living God, our true Savior, did not receive an angel's body, nor an angel's nature, but received a human body and human nature and avenged, deified, immortalized it. And He, as the eternal high priest, gave us also to be His co-servants, He who arranged our salvation in His human body, made us worthy to be accomplices and partakers of His service and His eternal glory."

Congratulating the new priest of the Church of God, Fr. To Nenad Kovač, the Metropolitan pointed out that he had prepared well for this service by studying theological sciences, praying to God, preparing his soul and his heart to receive the blessing of the priestly rank.

"Father Nenade, may this service be happy and blessed, may the Lord strengthen you, especially when those difficult moments come, and in life, especially priestly service, there are many obstacles, a lot of demonic envy appears, and sometimes human malice. However, when you encounter this, see that your heart is filled as much as possible with love, forgiveness, and prayer both for those close to you and for those far away, for friends and for enemies, and in this way you will always win with the truth of God and justice and the love of Christ and the sacrifice of Christ. to go forward. May there be happy glory, Saint Archangel Michael, the great helper, protector of the Church, protector of all the faithful, quick comforter and helper and deliverer in times of trouble, may he be of help to all of you", the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Mr. Joannikius.

After the Liturgy, the gathering continued with a celebratory meal, prepared with the love of the host.

The assembly on the occasion of the summer glory of the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael began last night, on the eve of the holiday, with a festive evening service with a five-bread loaf, after which the promotion of the book "Herceg Novi - Ne damo svetinje" was held in the "Park" Hall.

Metropolis of Montenegrin and Littoral