Patriarch Porfirije at the consecration of the Rmnja monastery: Let's be better for Christ's sake

On the third day of his visit to the Diocese of Bihać-Petrova, on September 14, 2024, on the occasion of the celebration of the 580th anniversary of the Rmnja monastery and its largest historical renovation, His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Porfirius presided over the holy hierarch's Liturgy and the act of consecration of that ancient shrine dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Myrliki.

The blessing of God and the Holy Father Nikolaj, the heavenly patron of the holy family of Rmanjska, visited today the Eparchy of Bihać-Petrovac, the entire Krajina and the ancient shrine on Tromeđa, where numerous pious people of God gathered to participate with the Patriarch of Serbia and the archbishops in the solemn act of consecration of the monastery temple and celebrated the 580th anniversary of the founding of the monastery and its biggest renovation in the history of that sanctuary.

His Holiness the Patriarch of Serbia, Mr. Porphyry with concelebration: the Most Reverend Metropolitans Pahomij of Vranje, Ioanniki of Montenegro and Littoral, Athanasius of Milesev, Nikodim of Dalmatia, Dimitrij of Zahum and Hercegovina and Ilarion of Bregalnik from the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archdiocese; Reverend Bishop Gerasim of Upper Karlovac, Jovan of Pakrac and Slavonia, Sava of Marcha, Nikon of Jenopol and Sergius of Bihać-Petrovica. His Holiness also served: Archimandrites Stefan from the Diocese of Srem, Danilo from the Diocese of Zahum-Herzegovina, Seraphim from the Diocese of Belgrade-Karlova, Naum from the Diocese of Upper Karlovac and Varnav (Damjanović); Abbot Sevastian from the Diocese of Dalmatia; hieromonks Methodius and Amvrosius from the Eparchy of Banja Luka; archpriest Đorđe Stojisavljević, head of the cabinet of the Serbian Patriarch; as well as archdeacons Radomir Vrućinić, Radojica Žagran and Nemanja Reljić.

At the end of the Holy Liturgy, His Eminence the Bishop of Bihać-Petrova Mr. Sergius addressed the audience with a sermon in which he thanked His Holiness and the brother bishops for the love and respect they showed towards the Romanian shrine and the Eparchy of Bihać-Petrova. 

Patriarch Porfirije told the gathering that the splendor of the renovation of the Rmanja shrine is nothing but a pledge of the inner and spiritual renewal of the Serbian people everywhere and in every place: - Glory be to God, this shrine, like others and elsewhere, is being restored, and by restoring them, aren't we renewing ourselves? Praying to God, offering to God, aren't we offering to ourselves as individuals and as a nation? Therefore, brothers and sisters, may the Lord grant that we may always be firm in our faith, that we know who we are, that we know where we come from, what we have received and what we are obliged to hand over, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, to those who come after us - he said is the Holy Patriarch.

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Mr. Milorad Dodik for the material help he provided in the construction of the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Mirlikia in the Rmnju monastery. Mr. Stojan Vukajlović from Banja Luka. During the festive table of love, the high honors of the Diocese of Bihać-Petrovac were awarded to all the deserving founders and restorers of the Rmnja monastery. An appropriate cultural and artistic program followed.

Source: Diocese of Bihać-Petrovačka