Priest Gojko Perović: Njegoš and Kosovo
On the eve of Vidovdan, the town celebration of Brčko, a lecture was held by priest Gojko Perović entitled "Njegoš and the Kosovo Covenant". The lecture was held in a crowded hall of the "Patrijah Pavle" cultural center, and Perović spoke about the meaning of the Kosovo Covenant, comparing it to the significance of Christ's suffering at Calvary and the sacrifice made out of love for one's neighbors, but also with pre-Christian motifs such as the ancient Thermopylae Gorge . There were talks about the interpretation of the Kosovo Covenant in the theology of the Church, as well as its preservation in folklore and epic literary creativity.
The lecturer placed special emphasis on the subject of Njegoš's creative enthusiasm for the Kosovo Covenant, which is manifested both in his literary works and in his documented meetings and conversations with his contemporaries.
It was emphasized that the Kosovo Covenant is neither a topic of the ancient past, nor a "celebration of defeat", but above all, it is an inspiration of every new generation for the future. Both this historical one and the spiritual one that concerns the Future Age.
Priest Gojko Perović also told the audience about how Njegoš's work dedicated to the Kosovo war and its heroes emerged from the oral tradition of the people in Montenegro, but also from what was left to us written down by the metropolitans who preceded him. It also served as an inspiration to Prince Nikola Petrović for his voluminous poetic work, but also for the cultural and educational ideology of the state he headed.
Source: Journal
Metropolis of Montenegrin littoral
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