Saint Vladimir, Grand Duke of Russia
Saint Vladimir, Grand Duke of Russia. At baptism, he was called Vasilije. Son of Prince Svyatoslav, and grandson of Igor and Olga, Vladimir was first of all a heathen, both in belief and in life. Having learned that there are other religions, he began to carefully examine which of them is the best. That is why he sent a delegation to Constantinople. When the emissaries returned, they informed the prince that they had attended a service in the Orthodox church, Saint Sophia, and that they were "out of their minds, not knowing whether they were on earth or in heaven." This prompted Vladimir to be baptized and to baptize the people. own. The main idol of Perun would be stripped from Kievsky Hill and thrown into the Dnieper River. Having accepted the Christian faith, Vladimir completely changed his life, and invested all his efforts to fulfill all the regulations of this faith. He ordered that churches be built all over his country on the site of destroyed idols, and he himself built a beautiful church of the Holy Mother of God in Kiev. This church was built on the same place, where earlier martyrs were martyred for Christ. Teodor and his son Jovan (v. July 12). With the same irresistible effort with which Vladimir had previously protected idolatry, he now spread Christianity. Rest in the Lord 1015 years.
Troparion (voice 4): You resembled a buyer who was looking for a shiny pearl, famous Vladimir. You sat on the throne of the mother of cities, God-saving Kiev, and inquiring as to which religion was the best, you sent people to Constantinople to see what the Orthodox Faith was like. And you found a priceless pearl, Christ the Lord, who chose you as another Paul, and freed you from mental and physical stupor in the baptismal spa. That is why we, your people, celebrate your true success. He prays for the salvation of the ruler of the Russian state and his subjects.
Calendar for January 4 Saint Great Martyr Anastasia
She was born in Rome, in a senatorial and wealthy home, to a pagan father and a...
CHRISTMAS - Service schedule
Metropolis of Montenegro and the Littoral: Notice of Gatherings on Christmas Day
We inform all clergy, believers and the general public that special attention...